First Practice Workshop with Representatives from Associations for Medicine and Care


Report on this Workshop:




  • Prof. Dr. Lorenz Trümper
    (Leiter der Abteilung Hämatologie und Onkologie, Universitätsmedizin Göttingen)
  • Dr. Martina Wenker
    (Präsidentin der Landesärztekammer Niedersachsen)
  • Prof. Dr. Friedrich Schöndube
    (Direktor der Klinik und Poliklinik für Thorax-, Herz- und Gefäßchirurgie, Universitätsmedizin Göttingen)
  • Prof. Dr. Peter Falkai 
    (Direktor der Abteilung Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Universitätsmedizin Göttingen)


Conference Venue:

Tagungszentrum neben der Sternwarte
Geismarlandstraße 11
37083 Göttingen



February 8, 2011
10:30 - 16:00



Dr. Katharina Beier
Inst. of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine
Humboldtallee 36

37073 Göttingen



Second Practice Workshop with Representatives of Patient Associations



At the 2nd practice workshop the discussion will center on questions arising from the tensions between autonomy and trust in modern medicine with representatives of the patients’ point of view. The focus will be on significant aspects such as self-help and patients’ self-determination and new biopolitical functions of patients’ associations. Furthermore, we will consider the role of trust which patients are more likely to put in support groups than in the health care system and its representatives. At the same time the perspective of patient’s representatives as actors in the context of health care policy remains very important as well as the interplay between collective participation and patients‘individual self-determination on different levels of health care.

We aim to facilitate the active exchange between scientists who are doing research on patients‘associations and ethical and legal problems in medicine and the representatives of patients‘associations themselves. This will create the possibility of a more intensive exchange of opinions and experiences, identifying new areas of research, introducing practice into theory and of finding further areas for cooperation.


Report on this Workshop:




  • Hannes Knüppel
    MPH, Physiotherapeut, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
  • Anne Kreiling
    Ehrenvorsitzende der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Muskelkranke e.V.
  • Christine Mahlstedt
    Dipl. Soz.-Päd. und Leiterin der Kontakt- und Informationsstelle für Selbsthilfe, Goslar
  • Susanne Mauersberg
    Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband, Referentin Gesundheitspolitik und Patientenvertreterin im Gemeinsamen Bundesausschuss
  • Peter Wehling, PD Dr. Philosophisch-Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Universität Augsburg  


Conference Venue:

Tagungszentrum neben der Sternwarte
Geismarlandstraße 11
37085 Göttingen



November 14, 2011
10:30 - 16:00



Dr. Isabella Jordan
Teilprojekt: Medizinethik/ Sozialphilosophie "Autonomie und Vertrauen in Bezug auf Patientenverbände"
Inst. of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine
Humboldtallee 36

37073 Göttingen



Third Practice Workshop with Representatives of Hospital Associations



In liberal modern societies the patient’s autonomy and the trust in the relationship between patient and physician are regarded as integral aspects which have to be protected in the organization of the health care system. At the third Practice Workshop of the project “Autonomy and Trust in Modern Medicine”, the complimentary relationship of autonomy and trust will be discussed from the point of view of representatives of medical institutions (e.g. denominational and private hospital associations) and other health care actors (e.g. physicians and nurses). The emphasis will be on the questions: Which structures in the respective institutions foster trust? What is the nature of the relationship between autonomy and trust in the respective organizations? How do the actors perceive the interplay of organization and trust in their actual field of activity (e.g. the hospital)? Together with the members of the project group the workshop aims at defining specific aspects in the field of institutional trust and discussing them from different angles.


Report on this Workshop:




  • Thomas Bauer
    (Ärztlicher Direktor)
  • Petra Gerlach
    (Oberin Neu-Mariahilf, Göttingen)
  • Norbert Groß
    (Pastor, Direktor des Ev. Krankenhausverbandes)
  • Stefanie Karbe
    (Trainee der Pflegedienstleiter UMG)
  • Reiner Prönneke
    (Internest, Leiter der medizinischen Klinik Marienstift, Braunschweig)
  • Angela Schneiderhan
    (stellv. Geschäftsführerin des Kath. Krankenhausverbandes)


Conference Venue:

Tagungszentrum neben der Sternwarte
Geismarlandstraße 11
37083 Göttingen



January 31, 2012
10:30 - 16:00



Ulrike Butz
Teilprojekt Theologie "Autonomie und Vertrauen als spannungsvolle Bezugspunkte kirchlich-christlich gebundener Akteure im Krankenhaus"
Theologische Fakultät
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 2

37073 Göttingen



For further Information on the Practice-Workshops (German) click here